expectedCurrencyOwed0• expectedCurrencyOwed0: CurrencyAmount<Currency>
Expected value of tokensOwed0, including as-of-yet-unaccounted-for fees/liquidity value to be burned
Defined in: nonfungiblePositionManager.ts:91
expectedCurrencyOwed1• expectedCurrencyOwed1: CurrencyAmount<Currency>
Expected value of tokensOwed1, including as-of-yet-unaccounted-for fees/liquidity value to be burned
Defined in: nonfungiblePositionManager.ts:96
recipient• recipient: string
The account that should receive the tokens.
Defined in: nonfungiblePositionManager.ts:101
tokenId• tokenId: BigintIsh
Indicates the ID of the position to collect for.
Defined in: nonfungiblePositionManager.ts:86