Represents a trade executed against a list of pools. Does not account for slippage, i.e. trades that front run this trade and move the price.
Type parametersName | Type |
TInput | Currency |
TOutput | Currency |
TTradeType | TradeType |
inputAmount• Readonly
inputAmount: CurrencyAmount<TInput>
The input amount for the trade assuming no slippage.
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:73
outputAmount• Readonly
outputAmount: CurrencyAmount<TOutput>
The output amount for the trade assuming no slippage.
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:77
route• Readonly
route: Route<TInput, TOutput>
The route of the trade, i.e. which pools the trade goes through.
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:65
tradeType• Readonly
tradeType: TTradeType
The type of the trade, either exact in or exact out.
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:69
executionPrice• get executionPrice(): Price<TInput, TOutput>
The price expressed in terms of output amount/input amount.
Returns: Price<TInput, TOutput>
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:87
priceImpact• get priceImpact(): Percent
Returns the percent difference between the route's mid price and the price impact
Returns: Percent
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:108
maximumAmountIn▸ maximumAmountIn(slippageTolerance
: Percent): CurrencyAmount<TInput>
Get the maximum amount in that can be spent via this trade for the given slippage tolerance
ParametersName | Type | Description |
slippageTolerance | Percent | tolerance of unfavorable slippage from the execution price of this trade |
Returns: CurrencyAmount<TInput>
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:252
minimumAmountOut▸ minimumAmountOut(slippageTolerance
: Percent): CurrencyAmount<TOutput>
Get the minimum amount that must be received from this trade for the given slippage tolerance
ParametersName | Type | Description |
slippageTolerance | Percent | tolerance of unfavorable slippage from the execution price of this trade |
Returns: CurrencyAmount<TOutput>
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:235
worstExecutionPrice▸ worstExecutionPrice(slippageTolerance
: Percent): Price<TInput, TOutput>
Return the execution price after accounting for slippage tolerance
ParametersName | Type | Description |
slippageTolerance | Percent | the allowed tolerated slippage |
Returns: Price<TInput, TOutput>
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:267
bestTradeExactIn▸ Static
bestTradeExactIn<TInput, TOutput>(pools
: Pool[], currencyAmountIn
: CurrencyAmount<TInput>, currencyOut
: TOutput, __namedParameters?
: BestTradeOptions, currentPools?
: Pool[], nextAmountIn?
: CurrencyAmount<Currency>, bestTrades?
: Trade<TInput, TOutput, EXACT_INPUT>[]): Promise<Trade<TInput, TOutput, EXACT_INPUT>[]>
Given a list of pools, and a fixed amount in, returns the top maxNumResults
trades that go from an input token
amount to an output token, making at most maxHops
Note this does not consider aggregation, as routes are linear. It's possible a better route exists by splitting
the amount in among multiple routes.
Type parametersName | Type |
TInput | Currency |
TOutput | Currency |
ParametersName | Type | Default value | Description |
pools | Pool[] | - | the pools to consider in finding the best trade |
currencyAmountIn | CurrencyAmount<TInput> | - | used in recursion; the original value of the currencyAmountIn parameter |
currencyOut | TOutput | - | the desired currency out |
__namedParameters | BestTradeOptions | {} | - |
currentPools | Pool[] | [] | used in recursion; the current list of pools |
nextAmountIn | CurrencyAmount<Currency> | - | exact amount of input currency to spend |
bestTrades | Trade<TInput, TOutput, EXACT_INPUT>[] | [] | used in recursion; the current list of best trades |
Returns: Promise<Trade<TInput, TOutput, EXACT_INPUT>[]>
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:290
bestTradeExactOut▸ Static
bestTradeExactOut<TInput, TOutput>(pools
: Pool[], currencyIn
: Currency, currencyAmountOut
: CurrencyAmount<TOutput>, __namedParameters?
: BestTradeOptions, currentPools?
: Pool[], nextAmountOut?
: CurrencyAmount<Currency>, bestTrades?
: Trade<TInput, TOutput, EXACT_OUTPUT>[]): Promise<Trade<TInput, TOutput, EXACT_OUTPUT>[]>
similar to the above method but instead targets a fixed output amount
given a list of pools, and a fixed amount out, returns the top maxNumResults
trades that go from an input token
to an output token amount, making at most maxHops
note this does not consider aggregation, as routes are linear. it's possible a better route exists by splitting
the amount in among multiple routes.
Type parametersName | Type |
TInput | Currency |
TOutput | Currency |
ParametersName | Type | Default value | Description |
pools | Pool[] | - | the pools to consider in finding the best trade |
currencyIn | Currency | - | the currency to spend |
currencyAmountOut | CurrencyAmount<TOutput> | - | the desired currency amount out |
__namedParameters | BestTradeOptions | {} | - |
currentPools | Pool[] | [] | used in recursion; the current list of pools |
nextAmountOut | CurrencyAmount<Currency> | - | the exact amount of currency out |
bestTrades | Trade<TInput, TOutput, EXACT_OUTPUT>[] | [] | used in recursion; the current list of best trades |
Returns: Promise<Trade<TInput, TOutput, EXACT_OUTPUT>[]>
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:376
createUncheckedTrade▸ Static
createUncheckedTrade<TInput, TOutput, TTradeType>(constructorArguments
: { inputAmount
: CurrencyAmount<TInput> ; outputAmount
: CurrencyAmount<TOutput> ; route
: Route<TInput, TOutput> ; tradeType
: TTradeType }): Trade<TInput, TOutput, TTradeType>
Creates a trade without computing the result of swapping through the route. Useful when you have simulated the trade elsewhere and do not have any tick data
Type parametersName | Type |
TInput | Currency |
TOutput | Currency |
TTradeType | TradeType |
ParametersName | Type | Description |
constructorArguments | object | the arguments passed to the trade constructor |
constructorArguments.inputAmount | CurrencyAmount<TInput> | - |
constructorArguments.outputAmount | CurrencyAmount<TOutput> | - |
constructorArguments.route | Route<TInput, TOutput> | - |
constructorArguments.tradeType | TTradeType | - |
Returns: Trade<TInput, TOutput, TTradeType>
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:192
exactIn▸ Static
exactIn<TInput, TOutput>(route
: Route<TInput, TOutput>, amountIn
: CurrencyAmount<TInput>): Promise<Trade<TInput, TOutput, EXACT_INPUT>>
Constructs an exact in trade with the given amount in and route
Type parametersName | Type |
TInput | Currency |
TOutput | Currency |
ParametersName | Type | Description |
route | Route<TInput, TOutput> | route of the exact in trade |
amountIn | CurrencyAmount<TInput> | the amount being passed in |
Returns: Promise<Trade<TInput, TOutput, EXACT_INPUT>>
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:120
exactOut▸ Static
exactOut<TInput, TOutput>(route
: Route<TInput, TOutput>, amountOut
: CurrencyAmount<TOutput>): Promise<Trade<TInput, TOutput, EXACT_OUTPUT>>
Constructs an exact out trade with the given amount out and route
Type parametersName | Type |
TInput | Currency |
TOutput | Currency |
ParametersName | Type | Description |
route | Route<TInput, TOutput> | route of the exact out trade |
amountOut | CurrencyAmount<TOutput> | the amount returned by the trade |
Returns: Promise<Trade<TInput, TOutput, EXACT_OUTPUT>>
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:132
fromRoute▸ Static
fromRoute<TInput, TOutput, TTradeType>(route
: Route<TInput, TOutput>, amount
: TTradeType extends EXACT_INPUT ? CurrencyAmount<TInput> : CurrencyAmount<TOutput>, tradeType
: TTradeType): Promise<Trade<TInput, TOutput, TTradeType>>
Constructs a trade by simulating swaps through the given route
Type parametersName | Type |
TInput | Currency |
TOutput | Currency |
TTradeType | TradeType |
ParametersName | Type | Description |
route | Route<TInput, TOutput> | route to swap through |
amount | TTradeType extends EXACT_INPUT ? CurrencyAmount<TInput> : CurrencyAmount<TOutput> | the amount specified, either input or output, depending on tradeType |
tradeType | TTradeType | whether the trade is an exact input or exact output swap |
Returns: Promise<Trade<TInput, TOutput, TTradeType>>
Defined in: entities/trade.ts:145