hasMultiplePools function hasMultiplePools( bytes path ) internal returns (bool)
Returns true iff the path contains two or more pools
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
path | bytes | The encoded swap path |
Return Values:Type | Description |
bool | if path contains two or more pools, otherwise false |
decodeFirstPool function decodeFirstPool( bytes path ) internal returns (address tokenA, address tokenB, uint24 fee)
Decodes the first pool in path
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
path | bytes | The bytes encoded swap path |
Return Values:Name | Type | Description |
tokenA | address | The first token of the given pool |
tokenB | address | The second token of the given pool |
fee | uint24 | The fee level of the pool |
getFirstPool function getFirstPool( bytes path ) internal returns (bytes)
Gets the segment corresponding to the first pool in the path
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
path | bytes | The bytes encoded swap path |
Return Values:Type | Description |
bytes | segment containing all data necessary to target the first pool in the path |
skipToken function skipToken( bytes path ) internal returns (bytes)
Skips a token + fee element from the buffer and returns the remainder
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
path | bytes | The swap path |
Return Values:Type | Description |
bytes | remaining token + fee elements in the path |