tokenURI function tokenURI( contract INonfungiblePositionManager positionManager, uint256 tokenId ) external returns (string)
Produces the URI describing a particular token ID for a position manager
Note this URI may be a data: URI with the JSON contents directly inlined
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
positionManager | contract INonfungiblePositionManager | The position manager for which to describe the token |
tokenId | uint256 | The ID of the token for which to produce a description, which may not be valid |
Return Values:Type | Description |
string | URI of the ERC721-compliant metadata |
UpdateTokenRatioPriority event UpdateTokenRatioPriority( address token, int256 priority )
Emitted when a token is given a new priority order in the displayed price ratio
Parameters:Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The token being given priority order |
priority | int256 | Represents priority in ratio - higher integers get numerator priority |