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Version: 2.0.0


constructor(tokenAmountA: TokenAmount, tokenAmountB: TokenAmount)

The Pair entity represents a Uniswap pair with a balance of each of its pair tokens.


import { ChainId, Token, TokenAmount, Pair } from "@uniswap/sdk";
const HOT = new Token(  ChainId.MAINNET,  "0xc0FFee0000000000000000000000000000000000",  18,  "HOT",  "Caffeine");const NOT = new Token(  ChainId.MAINNET,  "0xDeCAf00000000000000000000000000000000000",  18,  "NOT",  "Caffeine");
const pair = new Pair(  new TokenAmount(HOT, "2000000000000000000"),  new TokenAmount(NOT, "1000000000000000000"));

Static Methods


getAddress(tokenA: Token, tokenB: Token): string

Computes the pair address for the passed Tokens. See Pair Addresses.



liquidityToken: Token;

A Token representing the liquidity token for the pair. See Pair (ERC-20).


token0: Token;

See Token0.


token1: Token;

See Token1.


reserve0: TokenAmount;

The reserve of token0.


reserve1: TokenAmount;

The reserve of token1.



reserveOf(token: Token): TokenAmount

Returns reserve0 or reserve1, depending on whether token0 or token1 is passed in.


getOutputAmount(inputAmount: TokenAmount): [TokenAmount, Pair]

Pricing function for exact input amounts. Returns maximum output amount based on current reserves and the new Pair that would exist if the trade were executed.


getInputAmount(outputAmount: TokenAmount): [TokenAmount, Pair]

Pricing function for exact output amounts. Returns minimum input amount based on current reserves and the new Pair that would exist if the trade were executed.


getLiquidityMinted(totalSupply: TokenAmount, tokenAmountA: TokenAmount, tokenAmountB: TokenAmount): TokenAmount

Calculates the exact amount of liquidity tokens minted from a given amount of token0 and token1.

  • totalSupply must be looked up on-chain.
  • The value returned from this function cannot be used as an input to getLiquidityValue.


getLiquidityValue(  token: Token,  totalSupply: TokenAmount,  liquidity: TokenAmount,  feeOn: boolean = false,  kLast?: BigintIsh): TokenAmount

Calculates the exact amount of token0 or token1 that the given amount of liquidity tokens represent.

  • totalSupply must be looked up on-chain.
  • If the protocol charge is on, feeOn must be set to true, and kLast must be provided from an on-chain lookup.
  • Values returned from this function cannot be used as inputs to getLiquidityMinted.